Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Cobra" hand switching technique

This is the opposite to Over Shoulder switch.
From Main position upper hand moves nunchaku in front of your body downward, then lower hand catches nunchaku over the shoulder. This technique also called "1st Downward Strike" in WNA (World Nunchaku Association). Black belt attestation requires 100 switches in 100 seconds with mistake rate not higher than 1%.
Here is the set of images that explains the technique


For everyone who wants to share his demonstration of that technique I am starting here the Scoreboard. To get into the table just post comment with your full name, country, your result (number of switches in one minute) and the link on your video demonstration.

"Cobra" Scoreboard (number of hand switching in 60 seconds)

1 . 120 . Tofig Kareemov (Estereos) . Israel . 2009/04/25 .


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